One of the many things our adrenal glands do is help regulate our sodium. Those of us whose adrenal glands are severely damaged from autoimmune disease (or otherwise) tend to crave salt as a result. In fact, I’m technically on a “high salt” diet to support that sodium need since my adrenal glands aren’t doing the job.  Consistent salt cravings are common among Addisons patients, and a running joke in some of the support groups I’ve seen is how we all love pickles because of the salt.  That’s definitely true for me!

Check out this episode of The Pickle Jar Podcast (you can also find it on podcast platforms) where I share my experience being diagnosed with primary adrenal insufficiency.  The host, Jill, deals with this condition herself and works tirelessly to raise awareness and provide support to those with this rare disease.  Her father also suffered from Addisons and unfortunately an adrenal crisis took his life, so her passion and motivation runs high.

Some things on the podcast are very specific to the Addisons world, while other things are just smart and can be applied by anyone wanting to improve their health.

We’re hoping to get the chiro on soon and share some of his nutrition expertise, since that is foundational to anyone wanting to thrive in a world full of things stacked against us when it comes to health.

Check it out if you’re curious about adrenal insufficiency (it can be confusing since there is so much talk of “adrenal fatigue,” but this is a much more serious, life-threatening condition) or if you just want to expand your knowledge base in support of others.  There is hope in healing!

Pickle Jar Podcast–Finding Hope in Healing