by The Chiropractor's Wife | May 20, 2020 | chiropractic care, The Chiropractor's Wife
The first time I went to a chiropractor (many years before I met Brandt), I was 23 and had been having chronic headaches. I took ibuprofen all the time. I’d also tried prescription muscle relaxers after they were suggested by a doctor. I’d just returned...
by The Chiropractor's Wife | May 20, 2020 | fermentation, Foundational Health, Nutrition, nutrition, The Chiropractor's Wife
Let’s talk about kombucha. If you’re already converted, you can scroll right past this. If you’ve tried it once and spewed it out and don’t know how anyone can drink “that nasty stuff,” keep reading. If nothing else, you can gain...
by The Chiropractor's Wife | May 20, 2020 | Foundational Health, The Chiropractor's Wife
When The Chiropractor (aka Brandt) and I started dating, my world turned a little upside down, in more than one way. At the time, he was in chiropractic school and very passionate about the things he was learning. He’d had his own long and difficult journey of...