by The Chiropractor's Wife | Sep 23, 2020 | Foundational Health, nutrition, The Chiropractor's Wife
To my knowledge, I was in my mid-30s before I ever ate bok choy. Maybe it had been snuck into some dishes previously with me unawares, but it (like many vegetables) was completely off my radar for most of my young adult life. How did I go from that to eating it...
by The Chiropractor's Wife | Sep 9, 2020 | Foundational Health, Nutrition, supplements, The Chiropractor's Wife
Did y’all know that pretty much anyone can make their own supplements, label them as whatever they want, and sell them to whoever will buy them? It’s actually pretty nuts, especially when you’re an average joe like me who is trusting the...
by The Chiropractor's Wife | Aug 26, 2020 | Foundational Health, nutrition, supplements, The Chiropractor's Wife
When we were engaged, my apartment in Dallas was very close to the office where The Chiropractor was working as a nutritionist. Since I could never meet him for lunch, I gave him a key to my apartment so that he could grab some food or cook something if he...
by The Chiropractor's Wife | Aug 12, 2020 | chiropractic care, Foundational Health, frozen shoulder, The Chiropractor's Wife
April of 2018 was a rough rough time. We had a death in the family, I had a bad flu, and then I became acquainted with “frozen shoulder.” Prior to this I had never heard that phrase or diagnosis. I still don’t completely understand it, but this is what happened to...
by The Chiropractor's Wife | Jul 29, 2020 | camping, Foundational Health, hammocks, The Chiropractor's Wife
When we suddenly found ourselves with regular 3 day weekends (thanks to the excitement of 2020), we made it a priority to get out into nature more. The state of Georgia has an elaborate state park system and we’ve been on a mini-crusade to see as much of it as...